This is where players and Game Chiefs can upload their game resources so that other Planet Mercenary players can benefit from the thing you made. We'd love to see maps, pre-generate ships, alternate resources fixes, time lines, automatic fireteam generators, or any other resource you can think up.
If you're here for the resources, browse below. If you're here to submit a resource, use the handy green button to your right.
Available Now
Planet Mercenary is now available to be ordered from the Schlock Mercenary Store.

70 Maxims cards
This is the 70 Maxims arranged as 3.5x2" cards (business card size), suitable for printing onto pre-scored card stock (eg Avery 28877).

Planet Mercenary Custom Weapon Upgrades and New Weapons
This contains a few new Weapons upgrades for your game. A new Carbine with some kick, and an addition to the melee weapons category.

RupesMons MagnaClamps: For the excessively avid urban climber.
This piece of mountaineering and urban exploration apparatus has gained considerable notice among mercenaries, pirates, assassins, and everyone else who wants a reliable way to stick to any surface they like.

Wächter Landscaping and Defense Drop Pod
A cheap and effective method of escaping a ship to a planet, or even making a cheap safe room on your property.

Firedrake Ground-Attack Craft
A craft from Celeschul Armaments Incorporated for all your close air support needs. Fast, maneuverable, durable, and powerful, the Firedrake is just the force multiplier you need.

Random Crate Table
One of my players enjoys playing hopscotch with the line between "mercenary" and "pirate" so I put together a d100 table to show what's in yet another crate that he opened. I tried to create some unique and in-universe items based on the comic and system descriptions. There's some fluff descriptions for cash, some stat boosts, and some plot hooks. Drink up, me hearties.

Phubahr B-99 'Arsonmeister' Flamethrower
For the pyromaniac mercenary with a burning desire to drench everything in sight in burning liquid. Dont'cha just love the smell of Burnex in the morning?

Refurbished Pregens
I took the pre-made characters from the Alpha release of the PM book and reworked them to be simple characters inline with the current ruleset.
I rounded a couple of edges on the sheets a bit, as I'm going to be using these to teach new players. If they want complicated rules with racial negatives and variable ammo they can build their own characters for the next game!

Weapon Catalog Expansion
Weapon stats, descriptions, and images for 13 new weapons from Phubahr Arms, Aarikaida Optics, Smythe Corporation, Wimanu-Arrow, and Urtheep Industries.

New Ship from Doblitz Foundry
A ship for kicking ass and taking names for those who can't afford a Badgerwagon Battleship.

Ship System: Carrier Bay
A Ship System for carrying smaller vessels (based on the Assault Boat Dock).

Sophonts of Equus: For people who want to play space ponies
A copyright-friendly way to play as pegasus, unicorn, and / or earth pony mercenaries. Includes some lore on why ponies are in space; stats for earth, unicorn, and pegasus ponies; and some rules for combat magic (in the unicorn section).
If people express interest, I may come up with stats and rules for other Equus-native sophonts, such as dragons, gryphons, or chiropterans.

The Planet Abtorahl - Topographical Map
"Someone get me the number of that stampede." – Gergun Dalhswopper
The planet Abtorahl is known for its megafauna. On Earth, the elephant is the largest land-dwelling creature;
here, at least seventy-four species which outmass them, including the six-legged baxstrok, the giraffe-like
barbitaz, and the hildrean megafaunt. Big game hunters of all sizes come here, but even the largest of
sophonts are warned not to go out into the bush alone. Last year, a group of Neophant scientists began
studying the megafaunt, fascinated by their physical similarities. Last week, those scientists disappeared.

The Moon of Koa'La - Topographical Map (v2)
"It looks like WHAT??" – the Captain of the Trident of Inexorable Victory
The recently discovered Moon of Koa'La bears an unfortunate resemblance to a certain warlike race of sophonts. Due to military engagements in another sector, the Tausennigan Ob'enn are unable to commit the forces needed to cleanse the moon of its pre-industrial inhabitants, but have managed to dispatch a much smaller vessel, the Lesser of Two Evils, to erase it from existence. Its crew includes ten Ob'enn soldiers, an AI with a rating of 4, and enough Boomex to 'blow that thing out of the sky'.

The Planet Liffalka - Topographical Map
"Don't drink the water." – James Earl Joones III, 2nd engineer of the Better Off Dreadnaught
The entirety of Liffalka's surface is covered in a porous limestone, formed over millenia by the planet's coral-like plantlife. Fresh water is all but non-existent, which suits Liffalka's salt-loving inhabitants just fine. What they can't stand is sharing the planet with the Unioc salt miners who have moved in to harvest their ancient burial grounds. The conflict has united all but one of the warring Liffalkan tribes, which spells trouble for the miners--and profit for any mercenaries in the market for a job.

The Moon of Koa'La - Topographical Map
"It looks like WHAT??" – the Captain of the Trident of Inexorable Victory
The recently discovered Moon of Koa'La bears an unfortunate resemblance to a certain warlike race of sophonts. Due to military engagements in another sector, the Tausennigan O'Benn are unable to commit the forces needed to cleanse the moon of its pre-industrial inhabitants, but have managed to dispatch a much smaller vessel, the Lesser of Two Evils, to erase it from existence. Its crew includes ten Ob'enn soldiers, an AI with a rating of 4, and enough Boomex to 'blow that thing out of the sky'.

New Toys for Grunts - 1
These were initially shared on the Planet Mercenary subreddit.
They are a set of armour, one light, one medium, two heavy, and a pair of mini-grenade launchers and their required ammunition.
The light armour mimics the low-profile armour from the comics (and you can fly).
The medium armour is a scout suit with camouflage.
The heavy armours trade defence for damage reduction. If you wade into melee with either, your are going to be shrugging off a *lot* of potential damage.
The mini-grenades do less damage than regular ones, but are a bit cheaper.

Premade Human Officer
I use these for guests how come to our after school club, so they can join with spending time making up a character. I usually have 2 sets of equipment for them to choose from, and have them add that info. They can keep playing this character, or write up a new one later, if they get into it.

"Smarticle" Cannon
This is a rather silly weapon build that I allowed because my group is small, and they wanted access to a combo platform that would give them some variety. I require "heavy weapons" in cannon mode and "long guns" in sniper mode. If you want to be very generous, you could allow heavy weapons skill for both modes, though let's face it: you're being generous just allowing this monstrosity.

Random Sophont Table
What race is that poor grunt from?
You've just ducked behind a grunt for ablative meat. Now you have to name him/her/it/zhe. It helps to know what species the unlucky grunt is. If you are too frazzled to decide on your own, roll the dice and check this table.
The table is a PNG sized to fit a handbrain.

New Weapon Qualities
New weapon qualities for your game. They are aimed at capturing the manic reckless feeling of the sawn off multi-cannon, while also tempting players into killing themselves in a way that provokes good stories later.